Solidscan converts a laser scan into a solid, photo-realistic representation of the real world. Instead of naively ‘interpolating’ data points, our algorithm uses a new 3D technique to produce solid point cloud data without holes. This is not meshing or photogrammetry – instead, we use 3D objects with volume called “Atoms”.
There is no upper limit to the detail that can be reproduced using Solidscan. A 3-terabyte file can open and stream at the same speed as a 3 Megabyte one. Incredibly our algorithm also removes moving objects and noise from laser scanned data so that only static objects remain. Reflective surfaces like whiteboards and mirrors can be scanned with a high degree of accuracy.
With Solidscan you can...
Open Up New Markets
The uses and markets for your laser scanner are much larger with Solidscan across a wider variety of fields previously unavailable to normally cumbersome 3D point cloud data.
Display real estate
Produce aesthetically pleasing copies of buildings for the general public and developers to work with. Create perfect representations of display properties for display off-site safe in the knowledge that Solidscan has captured every detail.
Improve Digitization Workflow
Solid point cloud data means no more clicking the wrong points during digitization. Fewer mistakes in the digitization stage means less cleanup and a shorter time to complete production for use in your field.
Create realistic models
For historical preservation or display. Scan golf courses, racetracks, hotel rooms or artifacts for examination or archiving.
Stream over the internet
Users with Geoverse MDM can easily stream our converted models over ordinary ADSL internet connections. No degradation, decimation, ‘thinning’, or ‘meshing’ is performed for efficiency.
Solidscan DEMO version: